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Sure, everyone wants to understand the pricing policy of the chosen platform. To simplify this process, you can just use an online calculator where you can check the price for your specific assignments. Here are a couple of things which are taken into consideration:


You will pay more if the work should be completed in the shortest possible time and vice versa.

Academic level

Whether you are a high school, college, or university student, the price can be slightly changed.

Type of the assignment

The complexity of the task also influences the final price; just keep that in mind while making the first order.

Calculate the price

Academic level
Type of Assigment
Pages: Word count: 275
Total price $10
  • Title Page $5 OFF
  • Revisions $10 OFF
  • Formatting $15 OFF
  • Bibliography & Reference $20 OFF
your savings:$50
Committed to providing high-quality papers, we hire only experienced writers to write your papers from scratch. Unlike some other essay writing companies who advertise prices lower than $10 per page, we charge a fair price that enables us to cover services of professional writers, both ENL and ESL.

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